Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve....2 Hours to go in 2011...Must Finish Prep Chapter

So yeah I took a few hours of to be sociable. Everyone is fed, got Justin Beiber with Carlos Santana on the TV in Time Square, and me on the couch typing my butt off. Sounds like an appropriate start to the new year. I only have seven pages left of my prep work, so lets keep moving, because I only I have an hour and forty five minutes before the clock strikes 12. So without further ado, here is where I put PrepEx 10.

                                                           PrepEx 10 - Selling Yourself 

Now that you know who you are as a writer, and what is important to you, take that information and turn it into an overall career goal in first or third person. For example:

I want to write X stories with Y and Z. (I want to right sensual stories with suspense and intrigue.)


X and Y are what writer Z is all about. (Spunky heroines and slapstick comedy are what writer Jack Doe is all about.

First person is easiest so I will go with that one first.

I want to write emotional stories with a hint of mystery and drama.

Third person is harder because it is an attempt to describe myself from say, my readers, point of view; or worse yet...a critics.

Smiling through the tears and overcoming unforeseen obstacles is what Krista Shepard is all about.

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