Friday, January 6, 2012

It's ok...there, there..

I love The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon is my favorite character, but I think I may have taken on part of his personality. That part where he can do no wrong in his brain, that part where he can accomplish anything because he always has.The idea of an unattainable goal is foreign to him. I have always been a realistic goal setter, never been a big dreamer, and prefer to expect the worst, because then when something good happens, its exceptionally good news. But when it comes to my WIP, all of those basic personal attributes went out the window.

So now that I have beaten around this bush until the grass won't grow anymore, I will get to my point. When I started this, 75k words in 30 days seemed attainable, and once I get my planning done it will be. However, right now I need to reel in my line and aim for something more attainable and necessary for me to complete this book! Planning Planning Planning, I didn't do a bit of it prior to trying to get these words out of my head and onto paper, so I am going to step back and reset my goals to something more realistic, stop dreaming too big, and expect that craps going to happen that will keep me from attaining my new goal and I just need to embrace the times the crap is not flying. So here it is...

In this, my first 30 day BIAM project, is going to be about stepping back about 3 steps and planning this story. I can write it the following thirty days, and revise it in the 30 after that. So here is my new goal for this first 30 days:

At the end of January, I will complete my outline and  have a thorough plan drawn out for Echo's Journey. In addition, I will have written at least the first 35k words of my novel.

Wish me luck on My Journey to finish Echo's Journey...and then give me a kick in the pants so that I keep traveling it.

1 comment:

  1. Stepping back is a good idea. Set an attainable goal and try to hit it everyday. You may even find that you exceed that goal most day, which a nice bonus!
